Periodontal Treatment

Thanks to the evolution of the specialty of periodontics, we now have many different methods, specialized techniques and modern biomaterials for the treatment of periodontal disease

When treating periodontal disease, every case is unique! The extent, shape and distribution of periodontal defects should not be considered separately, but factors such as general health, smoking, or some medication must be taken into account. Detail makes the difference!

The treatment of periodontitis begins with the correct assessment of the condition. It is important to evaluate clinical signs such as gum inflammation and bleeding, as well as possible mobility or changes in the position of the teeth.

Periodontal Treatment-Periodontal Charting

For the effective treatment of periodontitis, it is very important to record the condition of the gums and periodontal pockets.

A great help is the latest innovation of modern technology: the Digital Periodontal Charting.

We digitally record the depth of periodontal pockets, hyphae, etc.

It has the advantage that we can make measurements at different times, which we can easily compare over time.

Thanks to the Digital Periodontal Charting, we have a clear picture of the condition of the gums before and after the treatment, but also at follow-up visits.

Treatment of Gingivitis Periodontitis

The first step in the treatment of periodontitis is to remove the tartar, the toxins and the bacteria, that are attached to the root surface. This can be accomplished by a technique called scaling and root planning, that requires the use of specially designed instruments, as well as the knowledge and expertise of a specialized periodontist.

Our first concern during periodontal treatment is to remove all pathogens and give the periodontal tissues a chance to recover from chronic inflammation and heal.

Periodontitis Treatment & Tissue Regeneration

Periodontitis often causes permanent damage to the periodontal tissues and to the jaw bone that supports the teeth. In these cases, we will have to correct the defects especially when periodontal disease is at an advanced stage. Using the modern regenerative techniques we can eliminate the periodontal pockets.

In certain cases, we can regenerate the lost periodontal tissues (with guided tissue regeneration), reversing the lesions that have been created, thus reinforcing the support of the teeth.

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Periodontitis Treatment

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They Said About Us

Periodontal treatment offers health and well-being. In addition to saving our teeth, we also get a much better feeling of our mouth and ourselves in our everyday life. Periodontal treatment is also the best way to fight bad breath!

Let’s fight periodontal disease!
Together, we can…

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Periodontal Treatment and Prosthetic Restoration

With periodontal treatment, we try to stop the progression of periodontal disease and improve the prognosis of a weakened tooth. Since periodontitis is a chronic condition, it often happens that someone may lose a few teeth before realizing they have a problem and start periodontal treatment.

In these cases, periodontal treatment for the remaining teeth is even more crucial. With the right treatment, we not only reduce the risk of losing more teeth but, more importantly, strengthen the remaining teeth.

We must realize that to replace missing teeth and close the gaps with a fixed bridge, the remaining teeth will serve as the foundation for the prosthetic restoration.

This means that each remaining tooth will have to support not only itself but also the missing teeth through the prosthetic restoration.

Through periodontal treatment, we strengthen the supporting teeth and maintain the function and aesthetics of the smile, providing the best conditions for the future of not only our natural teeth but also the entire restoration.

Treatment of Periodontitis and Dental Implants

Dental implants are the latest advancement in dentistry for replacing missing teeth. Even in cases where some teeth have been lost due to periodontal disease, we can still replace them with dental implants. Implants have the advantage of closing the gaps without weakening the remaining teeth.

However, this does not mean we should neglect the remaining periodontal teeth. On the contrary, before restoring with dental implants, it is essential to undergo complete periodontal treatment so that all teeth and tissues in the mouth are absolutely healthy!

Let’s not forget that the oral cavity is a single system, and bacteria from one area of the mouth can cause inflammation in dental implants—a condition known as peri-implantitis (similar to periodontitis).

Whether we want to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even all teeth in a jaw, in a mouth with periodontal disease, complete periodontal treatment must first be performed to ensure the longevity and success of the dental implant restoration.

Follow-Up and Recall Visits

The treatment of periodontitis does not end here! Along with meticulous oral hygiene and good brushing, additional aids such as interdental brushes or other specialized toothbrushes can be valuable supplements to the treatment.

Also, regular thorough check-ups and periodontal cleanings by a periodontist are essential.

With an annual electronic periodontogram, we can monitor the condition of the gums after periodontal treatment and promptly address any possible recurrence of periodontitis.

Periodontal treatment offers us health and well-being. Besides saving our teeth, it gives us a better sense of our mouth and ourselves in daily life. Periodontal treatment is the best way to combat bad breath!

A beautiful and healthy smile for a lifetime!

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