The teeth certainly play the leading role in the smile aesthetics, but we should not forget that gums are equally as important!

Gum Plasty is a revolutionary and very conservative and and highly effective aesthetic periodontal technique which allows us to correct the shape of the gums and create a beautiful, harmonious smile!

In modern Gum Plasty procedures we use specialized techniques of microsurgery, and in some cases, a valuable aid is the dental microscope.

Gum Plasty - Indications

Gum Plasty helps us create an aesthetic and harmonious result in many different cases.

Even when the teeth have a normal position and arrangement in the mouth, the gums may exhibit some unevenness in thickness and especially in height. This makes some teeth look shorter than the rest.

Using the Gum Plasty procedure we can eliminate the uneven gum line in the anterior region of the mouth, and restore the harmony and symmetry of the teeth both to each other and to the lips. This technique can be applied in cases where we have only natural teeth,

or when we have a prosthetic restoration (individual crowns or a bridge), that needs to be replaced for functional or aesthetic reasons.

The lateral area of ​​the mouth is just as important for the smile. Very often we notice that the gums cover part of the tooth, so the teeth look abnormally short.

Thanks to Gum Plasty procedure we can restore the harmonic arrangement of the gums and restore the natural shape of the teeth.

Gum Plasty and Ideal Smile

When we plan to make a complete aesthetic improvement of the smile, such as a Hollywood Smile, in order to get an ideal, impressive result, we recommend the combination of Gum Plasty with the other techniques of aesthetic dentistry.

In more complex cases, where we have to correct the position of the teeth and their arrangement (gaps between the teeth, crooked teeth, etc.), Gum Plasty is irreplaceable.

In these cases we have to use many different techniques of aesthetic dentistry (such as dental bleaching, veneers, etc.). The combination of Periodontology and Aesthetic Dentistry allows us to restore the harmonic arrangement of the gums and teeth and achieve a truly impressive result.

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Gum Plasty and Ideal Smile

Cosmetic Dentistry and Gum Plasty

They Said About Us

If you hesitate to smile because your teeth are too short, or because you show too much gums, you do not have to worry anymore. There is always the solution of Gum Plasty. Trust this conservative aesthetic method and get a beautiful, harmonious smile!

Create a harmonic frame for an impressive smile!

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Gum Plasty and Gummy Smile

Gum Plasty can be a very good, conservative solution when dealing with a “gummy smile.” These are cases where, when we smile, the lip rises high, revealing a significant amount of the gums. As a result, instead of the teeth, the gums become the dominant feature of the smile.

By performing Gum Plasty, we correct the shape of the gums and restore balance to the smile. For an even more natural result, we should combine techniques such as porcelain veneers or composite veneers, where, in addition to the gums, we also correct the shape and color of the teeth.

Gum Plasty and Dental Implants

Gum Plasty can provide solutions not only for natural teeth but also for cases involving dental implants. This technique is essential, especially in complex situations where, in addition to a gummy smile, we have to deal with congenital missing teeth and the incorrect position of some teeth.

By combining various techniques such as dental implants, Gum lasty, aesthetic veneers, etc., we can correct the shape and arrangement of the gums and teeth, restoring the aesthetics and harmony of the smile.

Gum Plasty is useful even if an implant has been in place for a long time and presents some aesthetic imperfections.

Let’s not forget that until a few years ago, we did not have modern regenerative techniques at our disposal. In some difficult cases, the gums around the implants ended up being higher than the natural teeth.

With Gum Plasty, we can correct irregularities of the gums, and with the modern bio-materials of aesthetic dentistry, we can restore the natural shape of the teeth, once again achieving a natural smile.

They Said About Us

Gum Plasty is a modern, conservative, and very effective method for restoring the shape and harmony of the gums. In this way, we create a harmonious frame that will highlight your beautiful teeth and enhance your radiant smile!

The harmonious glow in your smile!

Do you have any questions?

Visit our office for a free consultation!