Bone Augmentation

Bone augmentation procedure is a modern and biological method that allows us to regenerate hard tissues, and to restore the shape and function of the jaw.

When bone loss is severe, we often can’t replace the missing teeth with a dental implant. You don’t have to accept this disability any longer. Thanks to bone regeneration we can now correct the damage and restore the aesthetics and function of the mouth.

Modern bio-materials, latest titanium processing techniques, and the development of new surgical techniques, make bone augmentation procedures a predictable method with daily application.

Bone augmentation – Indications

There are many different causes that may lead to a significant bone deficit: a large chronic inflammation, or extensive surgery – such as removing an impacted tooth, or a cyst.

In an accident, it is quite common to lose not only some teeth, but also part of the jaw bone, surrounding the lost teeth. This leaves behind a significant bone deficit, which needs to be corrected with a Bone Augmentation procedure.

How is bone augmentation of the jawbone is done?

Bone Augmentation

Bone Augmentation and dental implants

A dental implant reconstruction is a reliable solution, provided that the jaw has the proper shape and size. In earlier times, when the jaw has been absorbed to a large extent, it was not possible to place an implant.

Bone augmentation techniques give us completely new possibilities, as we are now able to regenerate lost tissues and restore the defect both functionally and aesthetically.

Bone reconstruction of the jaw can be applied in many different cases:

When the defect is particularly extensive involving few teeth, as it is after an accident, we can restore the normal shape and size of the jaw using various regenerative techniques. This way, the future prosthetic rehabilitation with dental implants will have a strong and safe foundation.

Bone regeneration helps us repair a severe defect, even on a single tooth. Some years ago, where we didn’t have todays’ refined augmentation techniques, an implantation would have been practically impossible and we would have no other option, than to grind the adjacent teeth in order to fabricate a dental bridge.

Thanks to bone augmentation, we can regenerate the lost tissues of the jaw and offer a fixed restoration with a naturally looking and aesthetic implant.

Bone regeneration and aesthetics

Bone regeneration techniques have recently evolved to a point, that not only an implantation is made possible (something that in earlier years was impossible) but we can restore cases with very high aesthetic demands.

By combining bone regeneration with the aesthetic soft tissue regenerative techniques of periodontology we can achieve really impressive results. The final restoration using a dental implant may look so natural, that one cannot tell dental implants apart from natural teeth!

The latest advances in implant prosthodontics give us more possibilities for an ideal outcome. Thanks to the latest generation of ceramic materials and the digital CAD/CAM technology, we can now, restore a missing tooth, even in the most challenging cases, in an absolute natural way, so that it does not differ from the other natural teeth.

Bone Regeneration and a-PRF™

Jaw regeneration techniques allow us to regenerate lost tissues, and we now have an even more powerful tool at our disposal: a-PRF™. In a deficient jaw (1), in addition to the bone graft, we add a-PRF™ clots and membranes to the regeneration site (2).

Thanks to the growth factors released and the improved vascularization in the area of bone regeneration, we reduce the risk of complications and stimulate the body to regenerate and integrate the bone grafts even better (3). This way, we achieve an even better foundation for dental implant restoration (4).

This is particularly significant for Dr. Alexandros Papasotiriou, as the modern a-PRF™ method allows him to offer more predictable and impressive results than ever before.

Watch our interviews

Dental Implants and Tissue Regeneration

Tissue regeneration and cosmetic dentistry

They Said About Us

Bone regeneration offers above all naturalness and harmony in a mouth that has suffered significant losses from an inflammation or an accident. Trust, like so many other people every day, modern bone augmentation techniques and smile again freely with confidence!

The natural harmony in your smile!

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Bone augmentation in the anterior region

In the context of a restoration with a fixed bridge, it is equally important to correct the initial damage caused by tooth loss, not only for aesthetic but also for functional reasons, even if we do not use dental implants.

Thanks to bone augmentation we can restore a single missing tooth in a natural and aesthetic way with a fixed dental bridge.

Even when the damage is more extensive and involves more teeth, thanks to modern regenerative methods we can fill the gap and restore the original shape of the jaw.

In more extensive problems, where we will have to place some implants, our goal is to regenerate the bone and gums that have been lost and restore the jaw to a normal and harmonious shape. When the bone deficit is greater, then we will have to resort to autologous grafts, which in a predictable way can restore the damage in three dimensions.

Depending on the requirements of each case, it is often necessary to combine bone augmentation with gum regeneration by applying the modern aesthetic techniques of periodontology.
This will allow the gums – especially in a problematic area – to naturally embrace an implant so that they do not differ from the rest of the natural teeth.

Bone augmentation and lateral area

Bone regeneration is valuable for the regeneration of deficient bone in the lateral region of the mouth in the context of a difficult restoration with dental implants.
Thanks to bone regeneration we can regenerate the bone lost in the lateral regions of the lower jaw, place implants and fill in missing teeth.

In particularly advanced cases of the upper jaw, we can combine bone augmentation with other regenerative techniques, such as sinus elevation, to create an even firmer foundation for future restoration with dental implants.

Modern regenerative membranes, bone grafts and titanium-based graft retention and fixation methods are a valuable complement in the context of jaw reconstruction.

They Said About Us

The modern techniques that we have at our disposal today for the regeneration of the jaw give us completely new possibilities. We can now safely correct jaw damage and restore harmony, aesthetics and above all confidence to your smile!

Build the foundations for a harmonious smile!

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