TMD & Symptoms

TMD syndrome shows a significant increase in the world over the last few years and is more common in women aged 20-40 years. In the US alone, more than 10 million people suffer from temporomandibular syndrome.

Unlike many other diseases, temporomandibular syndrome does not refer to a single condition, but describes a wider group of painful conditions associated with chewing muscles and the temporomandibular joint. That is why the treatment of temporomandibular syndrome is completely personalized and adapts to the symptoms of every person.

It was only after 1980 that doctors we able to associate the temporomandibular joint with the symptoms that so many people have been experiencing over the years in the face and jaws!

TMD & Headache

Headache is the most common symptom, which can originate either from the muscles, since the chronic clenching and grinding of teeth can cause spasm and intense pain, or it can originate from the joint, mainly due to disc injury and dislocation.
The pain is located in the temples or back of the head, and can radiate to the neck, shoulders etc.

These headaches are frequently so severe, that they are confused and treated by pathologists as migraine or trigeminal neuralgia with little success.

TMD & Clicking

Clicking-popping- snapping of thw jaw joint is a very common symptom of TMD. It can be so loud that it can be heard by others while you chew. Even if the clicking is not painful, one thing is certain: if there is a displaced disc, as is usually the case when a click occurs, the muscles that move the jaw while chewing are more tense than normal.

This tension can and does cause muscle-, facial-, head and neck- pain. Even if clicking is not painful, it is a characteristic sign of TMD

TMD & Tooth hypersensitivity

Jaw activities such as clenching or grinding of the teeth may cause extremely sensitive teeth. Patients often see their dentist with the complaint of pain in the teeth and usually the doctor can find nο cause. Frequently (and very unfortunately), unnecessary root canals and even tooth extractions are performed in an attempt to help a suffering person. That’s even worse, because after these invasive and irreversible procedures, patients still are in pain, only now it has increased!

TMD & Ear symptoms

The close anatomical relationship of the joints to the ears often causes various ear symptoms, such as ear pain, fullness, stuffiness, and even hearing impairment. That’s why so many suffering patients first see their family doctor or an ear specialist before even considering seeing a dentist for a possible dysfunction of the joint.

TMD & Jaw locking

Locking of the joint is the result of intense spasm of the chewing muscles, in combination with a dislocation of the disc. It is a very serious condition and may be noticed simply by catching of the lower jaw as it opens. Sometimes a person with a locked joint must move the jaw to one side in order to open wide, or might have to open wide until he hears a loud pop, at which point the jaw actually unlocks.

TMD & Change of the occlusion

Another form of severe joint dysfunction is a change in tooth contact between the upper and lower jaw. The change of occlusion, as a result of the displacement of the disc, not only affects the harmonious function of the anatomical elements of the joint, but also causes chain changes and detuning of the entire Oral and Maxillofacial System.

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Dysfunction of the joint

Joint treatment

They Said About Us

So many people know that they suffer from Temporo-Mandibular Dysfunction syndrome, and even more people suffer without knowing why. Science has now advanced and can help in the diagnosis and treatment of this painful condition. If you have symptoms, ask for help!


TMJ Dysfunction
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